Banking management (training in Czech, or English)
Education, first of all, is aimed at theoretical preparation of students for work in the financial sphere and in other areas of economic process management, both at the level of individual enterprises and the national economy as a whole. In the learning process, students also acquire the necessary knowledge about the methods and working procedures that are directly applied in the current or newly organized conditions of activity of individual entrepreneurial entities, as well as the activities of public administration institutions.
The purpose of training in the specialty “Banking Management” is to prepare certified specialists who are theoretically and practically prepared to fulfill the duties of qualified employees: banking, insurance, financial sector.
A graduate with a banking manager specialization receives the qualifications necessary for the performance of official duties at the level of lower and secondary banking management. He will be able to fulfill the duties of the lower managers of the bank, for example, the head of the service department, shift supervisor or branch manager, etc. This specialty belongs to the Faculty of Banking.
The goal of this program is to form students’ scientifically based ideas: about the nature of the organization of the activities of a commercial bank; banking management mechanism both in ordinary and in extreme (crisis conditions); on the basics of effective interaction between a manufacturing enterprise (organization) and a commercial bank.