
The International Union of Youth

The International Union of Youth (Mezinárodní Svaz Mládeže z.s.) is an international company established in Prague in 2007 and registered in the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. MSM has branch offices in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The company has been developing educational and sports cooperation for many years, expanding the opportunities for international and cultural exchange and building up friendships between young people from different countries. 

The International Union of Youth has the international accreditation IECF and regularly participating in the largest international exhibitions. This allows the company to be permanently aware of the world trends in education, to follow the novelties and to work only with the reliable educational institutions.

Priorities of work:

  • Providing the most effective and interesting study programs abroad at a reasonable price
  • Complex Information service for our clients
  • Help with accommodation
  • Constant contact with students and parents
  • Consultation about the chosen schools in the Czech Republic
  • Organization of cultural program in the Czech Republic

Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (CULS)


Czech University of Life Sciences operates as the center for receiving education in the area of Agriculture and Forestry in the Czech Republic. It has recently widened its possibilities of providing education in the ecological and environmental fields, at the same time having the strongest faculty of Management in Czech Republic. It dedicates more attention to preparation of professionals in Economics, Agriculture, National Economy and international organizations.

Moreover, CULS belongs to leading Czech state universities and provides high quality education to Czech and international students. 

There are 18,000 students studying in the CULS, divided between 5 faculties:

  • Faculty of Economics and Management – the largest economics faculty in the Czech Republic, hosting over 13,000 students
  • Faculty of Agrobiology, Food, and Natural Resources
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Environmental Science
  • Faculty of Forestry and Wood Science
  • Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences

Current level of CULS’s educational activity is balanced and, thus, corresponds with the European standards of Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate programs.

Czech Technical University (CTU) 

Czech Technical University

Czech Technical University in Prague – is one of the oldest Czech universities, celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2007, whose main mission is to prepare young specialists and scientists in the technical field. Therefore, Czech Technical University plays an important role in developing the scientific, pedagogic and technical sectors, by providing opportunities for active research which is conducted in accordance with social requirements and global trends.

CTU’s effective research and educational activities makes it the best technical university in the Czech Republic, each year claiming stronger positions in the European market for educational services. Czech Technical University has a number of contracts signed with institutions around Europe agreeing on exchanging students. It participates in the well-known European programs like Erasmus and Leonardo. This allows students not only to experience education in the Czech Republic but also they get an amazing opportunity to study in Germany, Austria, France and other EU countries.

CTU has 8 faculties, which are:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Transportation Sciences
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Information Technology

The 8th and the youngest faculty of CTU is the faculty of the Information Technology which has been officially established in 2009. The program was prepared in accordance with recommendations of such respected international organizations as ACM and IEEE computer society that unites hundreds of scientists, engineers, developers and professionals around the globe.

University of Chemistry and Technology (VSCHT)

University of Chemistry and Technology

The university was founded in 1952 and has a rich history. The University has equipment that meets the latest technological advances, and collaborates with more than 40 universities around the world. The University of Chemistry and Technology uses the most advanced developments in the field of nano- and biotechnologies. There is studying both in traditional specialties, and in new programs that meet the latest trends.

Each university student has the opportunity to join a scientific project of interest to him, to undergo internship abroad and as a result get a prestigious and well-paid job in the Czech Republic or abroad.

The university is supported by leading industry companies in scientific and educational projects, including Unipetrol, the largest oil refining company in the Czech Republic, and Zentiva, a pharmaceutical company.

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Charles University 

Charles University is the oldest educational institution in the Central Europe, established in 1348.  There is a wide range of faculties to choose from like theology, law, art, mathematics or science, and it also has 3 medical faculties. The First Faculty of Medicine is the largest in the Czech Republic and is renowned to be the best in the Eastern Europe.

Charles University provides a possibility to study in English on the faculties of General Medicine and Dentistry, Physical Education and Sport. Studying in Czech language in all state universities for foreign students is free, studying in English will cost from 7000 to 15000 US dollars.

More than 53,000 students study at the following faculties:

  • Catholic Theological Faculty
  • Protestant Theological Faculty
  • Hussite Theological Faculty
  • Faculty of Law
  • First Faculty of Medicine
  • Second Faculty of Medicine
  • Third Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň
  • Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
  • Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
  • Faculty of Humanities

The University of Economics (VSE)


The University of Economics – not only is it the biggest public university of Economics in the Czech Republic, but it also has a significant experience in the field – VŠE celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2013. The University offers bachelor’s degree programs in Czech and English languages; master’s degree programs in Czech and English languages.

Five faculties are located in the center of Prague:

Faculty of Finance and Accounting Faculty of International Relations

  • Faculty of Business Administration
  • Faculty of Informatics and Statistics
  • Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Management is located in the town of Jindřichův Hradec.

Every year The University of Economics is ranked by the Financial Times and has already been appraised for several years by the Eduniversal Ranking project as one of the best “business schools” in Central and Eastern Europe. It has also been certified with the “ECTS label” and “DS Label” by the European Commission. Both certificates confirm the credibility of VŠE in terms of partnerships with universities abroad.

As for the labor market, the situation for VŠE graduates is very favorable there. They are usually able to get important positions in both the private and public sectors – banking, accounting and auditing, sales, marketing, or information technologies.

Masaryk University

Masaryk University

Masaryk University in Brno is one of the most important educational and scientific institutions in the Czech Republic and a recognized Central European University with a strong democratic spirit since its foundation in 1919.

Currently, it consists of nine faculties, including more than 200 departments, institutes and clinics. It is also an important social and cultural center in the South Moravian region. Masaryk University in Brno offers higher education in a wide range of traditional and modern scientific disciplines and is one of the most dynamically developing higher education institutions in Europe.

In addition, Masaryk University students have the opportunity to study abroad and then return to their alma mater. The Masaryk University Information System in Brno received the prestigious EUNIS Elite Award in 2005. In this direction Masaryk University was the first university in the Czech Republic and the first of ten new EU member states.

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Brno University of Technology

Brno University of Technology

Brno University of Technology is the oldest university in this city. Its history began in 1849 when the German-Czech Technical School was founded. VUT provides training in a wide range of classical technical and natural sciences, as well as specialties in architecture and art, multidisciplinary programs, economics, and healthcare.

The university is in the TOP-500 world universities. Students can receive a quality education in a wide range of fields from technical, natural sciences, economics to art. The international exchange programs TEMPUS, Socrates / Erasmus, Socrates / Grundtvig, Leonardo, CEEPUS are open for students.

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Technical University of Liberec


Technical University in Liberec offers training in promising specialties in the field of textiles and clothing. The textile faculty of the University of Liberec is unique in Europe.  The faculty of mechatronics, computer science and interdisciplinary research also offers unique specialties in the field of computer technology and robotics.

The university works closely with industrial enterprises. Students perform specific practical tasks, firms offer topics of dissertations. Students have the opportunity to receive scholarships from enterprises. Czech and foreign companies offer jobs to university graduates. The university collaborates in the field of science and research with prestigious universities and research institutes from around the world. Students have the opportunity to spend part of their studies abroad.

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Silesian University in Opava

Silesian University in Opava msmstudy.eu

Silesian University is developing dynamically and actively cooperates with both Czech and foreign universities. The university is actively engaged in scientific activities, as evidenced by the scientific work of university employees and international scientific conferences constantly organized here.

Silesian University provides training both in the humanitarian field and in the field of trade and business. The university is a member of the European Association of Universities and cooperates with both Czech and foreign universities. Today, the educational process is based on a serious material and technical base.

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Academy of Art (AMU)

https://msmstudy.eu/academy-of-art msmstudy.eu

The school has four areas of study: music, drama, dance and film. Over time, some of the disciplines became independent faculties. The Academy occupies several buildings in the historical center of Prague.

The Academy seeks to preserve the best of its famous traditions, including the education of talents and the promotion of freedom, ingenuity and imagination, including intellectual cooperation between teachers and students, their identification with universities, and the productive use of the Academy as a whole. Today, the Academy is constantly analyzing the quality of its faculties, which allows it to take places in the international arena.

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Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague

Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague msmstudy.eu

The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague was founded in the spirit of the ideas of Gottfried Semper. Semper built on the existing creative experience of mankind and was looking for a synthesis of art and technology. As a theoretician of architecture, he strove to achieve the overall result of the artistic and technical components of the structure, in accordance with the artistic conception of both scientific and technical work, and the work of masters.

The Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, which began its work in the spirit of these ideas in 1885, was at that time the first and only art school in the country. The building was built in 1882-1885 according to the design of Frantisk Schomoranze and Jan Makhitka.

The school currently participates in several international projects, expands its training in the field of free and applied art, publishes books on art and exhibition activities. Currently consists of five departments, which span twenty-three studios in architecture, design, free art, commercial art and graphics. The sixth department provides education in the field of art history and aesthetics.

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University of Сreative Сommunication Prague

University of creative communication Prague msmstudy.eu

University of Сreative Сommunication Prague is a private university that prepares students in all areas of the creative industry.

The education system is built on the model of the Scandinavian and British higher educational institutions. In training, the emphasis is on the practical part, so while studying, students work on real orders from advertising agencies, graphic design studios, publishing companies.

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Jan Evangelista Purkyne University


Usti nad Labem is an old Czech city near the German border, surprisingly combining the architecture of the 18th century and modern buildings. The capital of the Usti region is known not only for its sights, but also for the University of Jan Evangelista Purkine, most popular in the region. The university bears the name of the famous Czech physiologist, anatomist, politician, teacher, member of the spiritual order of PRists Jan Evangelista Purkine (1787-1869).

The university offers 192 specialties. Practice in the specialty is a compulsory component of studying. Students’ graduate theses meet the needs of enterprises and organizations. The great interest of applicants is the faculty of art and design, as well as the humanitarian direction of the philosophical faculty. With the financial support of the ERASMUS + program, students have the opportunity to go for exchange studies to a foreign university or to take an internship at a foreign enterprise, educational or research center.

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Palacky University Olomouc

Palacky University

Palacky University is in the TOP 5 of the best research universities in the Czech Republic. The educational institution offers a wide range of educational programs in various areas.

Palacky University in Olomouc is a university with a long tradition. It was founded in the 16th century and is the oldest university in Moravia and the second oldest university in the Czech Republic. Currently, it is a modern educational institution with a wide range of areas and rich scientific activities. According to the international rating, the University of Palacky is included in the list of the best Czech universities.

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Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague

Институт отельного бизнеса msmstudy.eu

Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague is one of the most famous and stable Czech private universities. The university specializes in the field of hotel business, tourism, gastronomy and resort business. Studying in English in the specialty of undergraduate Hospitality Management and the specialty of master’s program Hospitality and Spa Management. The curriculum includes a three-week professional practice in the summer semesters, as well as undergraduate practice.

The Institute has been awarded honorary awards by the CzechTourism agency “For a great contribution to the development of the tourism industry” and “Training of highly qualified personnel”.

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Institute of Finance and Management

Institute of Finance and Management msmstudy.eu

Institute of Finance and Management is the largest private university in the Czech Republic offering a prestigious education in the field of economics, finance, accounting and auditing, management, sociology, international relations, marketing, computer science and business.

The possibility of obtaining an MBA and a double degree diploma or joint degree on the basis of an agreement with the City University of Seattle (USA).

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University of Business in Prague

University of Business in Prague msmstudy.eu

The University of Business in Prague offers to receive a demanded education in the field of tourism, air transportation and personalism. The Institute is a leader in the number of specialties in the field of tourism, excursion activities, air transportation services, tourism management and airline management.

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