The International Union of Youth

The International Union of Youth (Mezinárodní Svaz Mládeže z.s.) is an international company established in Prague in 2007 and registered in the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. MSM has branch offices in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The company has been developing educational and sports cooperation for many years, expanding the opportunities for international and cultural exchange and building up friendships between young people from different countries.
The International Union of Youth has the international accreditation IECF and regularly participating in the largest international exhibitions. This allows the company to be permanently aware of the world trends in education, to follow the novelties and to work only with the reliable educational institutions.
Priorities of work:
- Providing the most effective and interesting study programs abroad at a reasonable price
- Complex Information service for our clients
- Help with accommodation
- Constant contact with students and parents
- Consultation about the chosen schools in the Czech Republic
- Organization of cultural program in the Czech Republic