St. Vitus Cathedral

It is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent to the sights of the Czech Republic! The most picturesque landscapes created by nature itself and protected by mankind, art objects and, of course, extraordinary architectural structures, which reflect the rich history of the state. Numerous, including sad events, which the Czech Republic had to endure before becoming a real cultural heritage of modern civilization, left their mark on urban planning in the form of the Gothic style.

Somewhat gloomy, but at the same time incredibly beautiful churches that serve as an adornment of this or that city and are a haven for religious people are simply mesmerizing. However, the most majestic and incredible is the Cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague.

This unique structure is amazing. To begin with, the dimensions of the cathedral are so large that it can be seen from almost any part of Prague, you can look at the panorama of which you can climb one of the two majestic towers. The cathedral owns a large old bell, which is more than 500 years old and has an absolutely incredible weight of 15 tons.

The interior decoration is a real work of art. The magnificent stained glass windows, so characteristic of the Gothic, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow on especially sunny days; pointed arches, of which the inner vault consists, visually increase the space; beautiful chapels with altars and organ are all available for tourist reviews. The Cathedral of St. Vitus is active, it regularly hosts services and sacraments, as well as wind organ concerts, touching the most delicate strings of the human soul.

Events of special significance take place in the cathedral on a special schedule, which should be checked in advance. To visit them is to give yourself just unforgettable sensations and memories.

St. Vitus Cathedral is a real pride of the Czech Republic, which will be appreciated by everyone who has visited this amazing country at least once.

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