Make the Most of Your Summer Holidays!
Intensive summer courses in Czech and English in Europe are designed to teach the Czech language, enhance practical English skills, and acquaint participants with the rich history and culture of the Czech Republic.
This program is an excellent opportunity to combine an unforgettable trip to the heart of Europe—Prague—with the valuable learning of foreign languages, all while having a fantastic summer. You will gain memorable experiences and make new friends!
Part of the summer language program includes familiarization with the education system and leading universities of the Czech Republic.
Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic, as well as the cultural, creative, and youth center of Europe. Every year, it attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists who come to see its ancient European streets, medieval fortresses, and Gothic churches, and to enjoy the atmosphere of old Europe. The Czech Republic is one of the most affordable countries in Europe, so you can indulge in delicious food and pleasant shopping.