The profession of a dentist is very honorable, as it is always relevant and in demand in society, and most importantly, it guarantees consistently high earnings and career development. And dentistry is one of the most popular specialties in the Czech Republic. Young applicants are attracted not only by the possibility of getting their own dental office in the near future, but also by the fact that they study for a dentist for five years instead of the usual six, as in the case of doctors. The advantages also include the fact that practical classes for dentists begin from the very first course, without the need to pass special certifications.
In total, there are five cities in the Czech Republic where you can learn the profession of a dentist: Prague, Pilsen, Brno, Hradec-Karlov and Olomouc. Despite the seemingly large selection of places for study, admission to the desired specialty is not an easy task, as it requires advance diligent preparation. But those chosen ones who are not afraid of difficulties and are distinguished by perseverance and determination will have a successful practice and a high salary in five years, which will allow you to create a reliable foundation for your financial well-being from such a young age. In addition, in a country where there are so many Russian-speaking population, being a doctor who speaks not only Czech, but also Russian is very, very profitable, since the name of a good specialist will be transmitted by word of mouth, and you will be able to collect an impressive database Loyal patients who will turn only to you for years.
For admission to dentistry, you must pass an exam in the form of a test – in physics, biology and chemistry. And, of course, for most faculties it is necessary to confirm the knowledge of the Czech language at the C1 level, which is quite realistic to master in a year of study in a language course.
If you have decided in favor of the profession of a dentist, then you need to start preparing for the entrance exams from the 10th grade. The level of preparation in Czech gymnasiums in the necessary subjects is quite high and in order to compete with native speakers, you need to develop a foundation of knowledge in advance. However, as you know, learning and work will grind everything! The most diligent applicants will not be afraid of any difficulties and competition!