CTU Czech Course: 27.05.2019

Annual course of the Czech language has ended

On May 27, for students of the annual educational programs of the International Union of Youth, the ceremony of certificates award Czech Course took place.

Many people doubt – is it such a simple task to learn Czech from the beginning in just one year? We answer – yes, this is possible with an experienced teacher and an individual approach to each student. An important thing is being in the Czech Republic during the whole program. During this year, our students had the chance to practice Czech with native speakers: starting from everyday occasion to talk in the streets, ending with the staying in the dormitory and speaking with the Czech-speaking neighbours. These two components – the correct language base and constant practice throughout the year – are a promise of a successful language exam at the level that will later allow the student to study in Czech univercity and to join the stydying process quickly in the future.

The Czech Technical University, founded in the 18th century, is now included in the world ranking of the top 500 universities. It is known that among the university partners are Yale University, ESA European Space Agency, as well as the Goddard Space Flight Center, which houses the NASA laboratory. Within the framework of university studies, students can take part in exchange programs and also study at one of the foreign universities from the numerous list of partner universities.

During this academic year, students of the International Union of Youth did a great job, because in nine months it’s very difficult to pull up knowledge of the language from zero to level B2 and more, where you can already communicate freely, read educational literature in Czech and understand the content of the entire lectures at the university. No matter how difficult it may sound, the students coped perfectly well – everyone passed the exam!

MSM is proud of its students and wishes everyone to successfully enter the chosen universities. We believe that you will definitely succeed and that the knowledge acquired during the course of the annual course will be useful to you. In the meantime, we suggest that you take a look at detailed photo report “CTU Czech Course”. Do not forget that we are also on Instagram.

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