Best universities in the Czech Republic in 2020

One of the key factors of choosing the university is an answer to the question “What will the diploma of this university give me in the future?”. It’s a well-known fact that studying in prestigious universities can lead to a more successful career path.
So, the International Union of Youth has created the TOP 10 universities list, to help our students to choose the right university which will be beneficial for their future. However, let us firstly start with the absolute best 3 universities in the Czech Republic.
Among the state universities, the most famous is Charles University. It is included in the list of the oldest in the world. Within its walls students actively use modern technologies for scientific research combined with old traditions of quality studying.
Another famous university is the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). Today it is the oldest educational institution of this kind in the whole world. The International Union of Youth directly cooperates with it, therefore, offers students rich and practical programs that allow students to successfully pass the entrance exams.
The Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) is the best in its field. Cooperation with it brings MSM opportunity to help students to enter CULS and to find a job in the future. CULS’s economics department is the largest in the country and its diploma opens a lot of doors for the graduates.

Now, back to our list. We present you with the best universities in the Czech Republic (in every field of study)

  • Charles University
  • Czech Technical University
  • Czech University of Life Sciences
  • Higher School of Economics in Prague
  • Mendel University in Brno
  • Masaryk University in Brno
  • Palacky University in Olomouc
  • Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
  • University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague
  • Academy of Performing Arts in Prague

In those amazing universities, you can enter a humanitarian, technical, agricultural, or art faculty. During your study, you going to be taught in a comfortable environment, by highly competent teachers. Also, the international environment will give you the opportunity to meet students from different countries and learn more about the cultural characteristics of other nations. Studying in the Czech Republic allows you to expand your horizons and learn how to move towards your goals.

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