Blog Hotel Management in Europe: Your Way to Career Development

Nostrification of the Diploma

The process of nostrification is quite long. In order for your certificate to be accredited in the Czech Republic, it’s worthwhile to worry about it at home. Students should bring with them an extract of the clock for the last 3 years at school and the certificate itself with an attachment to it. Our managers inform the students about this in advance during their detailed consultation. Also, it is necessary to translate the documents into Czech and apply it to the Czech magistrate for the exam. After this the date will be assigned to students.

VŠE&CTU Open Days: 01/02.02.2018

Such activities are an important point in choosing the desired university. The children have the opportunity to directly ask all the questions to the speakers, to visit the university and for a moment to feel themselves as it’s student, in the audiences.

CTU Open Days: 25/26.01.2018

Students of MSM language courses visited the open days of the Czech Technical University, namely the Information Technology and Electrotechnical Faculties.

VŠE Open Days: 19.01.2018

19.01.2018 the Open Day at the VŠE (Vysoká Škola Ekonomická v Praze – VŠE) was held, which, of course, was attended by our students. The VŠE in Prague is the largest state university in the Czech Republic with economic direction and one of the most prestigious in all of Europe.