Nostrification of the diploma in the Czech Republic is confirmation of Russian, Ukrainian or any other foreign diploma by the Czech education institutions. Anyone who wishes to study at a Czech university must confirm their knowledge, which are represented by their school certificate or a university diploma.
The word “nostrification” alone makes the skin crawl. This is because our students are now taking these exams or are actively preparing for them. But there is no reason to worry!
First, let’s find out what is the nostrification of the diploma means and what awaits our students?
The process of nostrification is quite long. In order for your certificate to be accredited in the Czech Republic, it’s worthwhile to worry about it at home. Students should bring with them an extract of the clock for the last 3 years at school and the certificate itself with an attachment to it. Our managers inform the students about this in advance during their detailed consultation. Also, it is necessary to translate the documents into Czech and apply it to the Czech magistrate for the exam. After this the date will be assigned to students.
As a rule, one person takes up to 3 subjects. Sometimes there are 4 or 5 of them, but it’s quite rare. Between the date of the examination and the time magistrate will name the courses, the students have 1-2 months of preparation.
In addition to the Czech language course, we have developed unique foundation programs, which will help you to enter the Czech universities without any problems. They will not only prepare you for the entrance exams of the university, but also will help you to refresh the knowledge before the nostrification of the diploma. The process of the nostrification takes place in the Czech language, as are additional classes from MSM, which introduce you to the Czech terminology.
Thus, we believe in our students. We are confident in them and know that they will pass any exams easy and with an “excellent” mark. And all because we are working on it!
All our foundation can find here.
We wish our students a lot of luck and patience!