Bu çevrimiçi test, İngilizce dil seviyenizi belirlemenizi sağlar. Sonuçlarınız, uluslararası notlandırma sistemine göre alacağınız puanı belirleyecek ve gelecekte hangi uluslararası dil sınavına girmeniz gerektiğini de önerecektir.
Test yapısı
Sınav özeti
0 - 65 soru tamamlandı
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Test, verilen seçenekler arasından bir doğru cevap seçmeniz gereken 55 sorudan ve cevabı kendiniz doldurmanız gereken 10 sorudan (boşluklu 2 metin) oluşmaktadır.
Testi çözmek için 60 dakikanız vardır.
Testi tamamladıktan sonra size en uygun yurtdışı eğitim kursunu seçmek için lütfen Uluslararası Gençlik Birliği temsilcileriyle iletişime geçin.
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Bu sınavı başlatmak için, aşağıdaki sınav bitirmek zorundasınız:
0 - 65 soru doğru olarak cevaplandı
Zaman doldu
0 - 0 Puan aldınız, (0)
- text 0%
- Тест 0%
, Your level — Beginner (A1)
You understand common everyday phrases and words, which allows to fulfill simple needs, and know how to use them. You know how to introduce yourself and others, to ask personal information, such as – where do you live, who do you know, what do you have, and you are also able to answer such questions. You can easily communicate if the person speaks slowly.
To increase your English level, you are recommended to take 80-100 learning hours. Learnig intensity you can plan individually.Recommended courses:
One Semester Foundation – English language + IELTS preparation in the Czech Republic
One Year Foundation – English language + IELTS preparation in the Czech Republic
Holidays in Prague with British Council – Group Offer (14 days), Your level — Elementary (A2)
You understand sentences and common phrases in connection with everyday life (e.g. family, shops, places, where lives, where works). You can communicate in simple often repeating situations which require direct exchange of information about common things or people one knows. You can describe in a simple way one’s education, one’s closest surroundings and answer questions regarding essential needs. To increase your English level, you are recommended to take 80-100 learning hours. Learnig intensity you can plan individually.Recommended courses:
One Semester Foundation – English language + IELTS preparation in the Czech Republic
One Year Foundation – English language + IELTS preparation in the Czech Republic
Holidays in Prague with British Council – Group Offer (14 days)
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- Ceveplanan
- Gözden geçirme
- Soru 1 - 65
1. Soru
Where … you from?
- Soru 2 - 65
2. Soru
Can you see … girl near the door? She is Mike’s sister.
- Soru 3 - 65
3. Soru
I’m sorry, I’m busy now. … you call me a bit later?
- Soru 4 - 65
4. Soru
How … your business trip?
- Soru 5 - 65
5. Soru
Be careful, the exam starts… 9 o’clock, not 9.30.
- Soru 6 - 65
6. Soru
Enjoy the party, … a lot of tasty food here!
- Soru 7 - 65
7. Soru
– Do you have any questions?
- Soru 8 - 65
8. Soru
Samsung phones are usually … than Iphones.
- Soru 9 - 65
9. Soru
Why … you leave your job?
- Soru 10 - 65
10. Soru
How … time do we have before the train arrives?
- Soru 11 - 65
11. Soru
I can’t go shopping with you today, I don’t have … money.
- Soru 12 - 65
12. Soru
When I was a teenager, I … in Canada.
- Soru 13 - 65
13. Soru
German language is more difficult … most European languages.
- Soru 14 - 65
14. Soru
Thanks for inviting me, I … definitely come to your party.
- Soru 15 - 65
15. Soru
I can’t believe he told you he’s on holiday, I just … him in the meeting room.
- Soru 16 - 65
16. Soru
The Stonehenge … around 3100 BC.
- Soru 17 - 65
17. Soru
Wow, smells delicious! You must be good … cooking!
- Soru 18 - 65
18. Soru
I haven’t smoked a cigarette … January.
- Soru 19 - 65
19. Soru
… friends of mine live in Moscow, but only .. were born there.
- Soru 20 - 65
20. Soru
I’m so sorry, I can’t sell you the tickets, the film has started … .
- Soru 21 - 65
21. Soru
If you want to lose weight, you need to stop … sweets.
- Soru 22 - 65
22. Soru
… my parents are teachers.
- Soru 23 - 65
23. Soru
During the presentation he was … about the importance of the new project.
- Soru 24 - 65
24. Soru
What would you do if you … rich?
- Soru 25 - 65
25. Soru
I wish I … help you.
- Soru 26 - 65
26. Soru
Is it going to rain today? I don’t think … .
- Soru 27 - 65
27. Soru
I’m calling … some questions about our order.
- Soru 28 - 65
28. Soru
My boss doesn’t speak French, and … .
- Soru 29 - 65
29. Soru
There aren’t many dishes that I can … myself.
- Soru 30 - 65
30. Soru
I need to study … to pass this test.
- Soru 31 - 65
31. Soru
You can eat this salad if you want. There’s still … left in the bowl.
- Soru 32 - 65
32. Soru
I’ve lost my keys, can you help me and … them?
- Soru 33 - 65
33. Soru
Wow, it’s … beautiful evening!
- Soru 34 - 65
34. Soru
It took me a week to get … the flu.
- Soru 35 - 65
35. Soru
… being the best candidate, I didn’t get the job.
- Soru 36 - 65
36. Soru
I never … money to people, even to friends.
- Soru 37 - 65
37. Soru
During the exam they didn’t … us go out.
- Soru 38 - 65
38. Soru
I… home so late yesterday that even my dog … .
- Soru 39 - 65
39. Soru
You … to do it if you don’t want.
- Soru 40 - 65
40. Soru
I don’t think she’s … to understand it.
- Soru 41 - 65
41. Soru
Well, you know the saying – …. a baby changes everything in life.
- Soru 42 - 65
42. Soru
The dress looks really nice, but I guess it … be expensive.
- Soru 43 - 65
43. Soru
Who … me while I was away?
- Soru 44 - 65
44. Soru
The task was so … that I felt really … by the end of the day.
- Soru 45 - 65
45. Soru
After the quarrel, he asked me … him again.
- Soru 46 - 65
46. Soru
Unfortunately, I’m going to … your birthday party.
- Soru 47 - 65
47. Soru
Why don’t you …. this jacket?
- Soru 48 - 65
48. Soru
Do you know … ?
- Soru 49 - 65
49. Soru
This is the most delicious meal I have ever …!
- Soru 50 - 65
50. Soru
They … the report yet, it’s too early.
- Soru 51 - 65
51. Soru
It’s too late, I would … leave now.
- Soru 52 - 65
52. Soru
I’ve just … and I love it!
- Soru 53 - 65
53. Soru
By January we … the project.
- Soru 54 - 65
54. Soru
They are used … late.
- Soru 55 - 65
55. Soru
That room … for a meeting this evening.
- Soru 56 - 65
56. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- Are we all working harder nowadays than we used (to)?
- Soru 57 - 65
57. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- Does it seem that the working week is going (on) forever?
- Soru 58 - 65
58. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- According (to) one American survey published in 2010, US executives work 25% more than they did 30 years ago.
- Soru 59 - 65
59. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- It was even discovered that 13% of workers eat breakfast (in) their cars.
- Soru 60 - 65
60. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- The most shocking survey result shows that an average American father spends just 6 minutes (a) day talking to his children.
- Soru 61 - 65
61. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- Dear Mr. J, Thank you (for) your letter.
- Soru 62 - 65
62. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- I am very sorry to hear you are not satisfied (with) our product delivery time and
- Soru 63 - 65
63. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- I am concerned about the delay (as) you are.
- Soru 64 - 65
64. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- I would like to express our sincere apology and offer you a 20% discount for your next order and a month engineer support free (of) charge.
- Soru 65 - 65
65. Soru
Complete the sentence.
- Moreover, our managers will call (at) any time convenient for you, just please let us know when. My apologies once again for any inconvenience the delay caused you. Yours sincerely, Mr. H